About Me

Glad you stopped by. I love blogging and I find it relaxing.
I love my Jesus. I gave him my heart and life. To think He loved me while I was yet a sinner. He gives me power to live a sinless life. I am married to my high school sweetheart. I have 2 grown children and 13 grandchildren. I have a job that I love working with other
Christians. My husband is a pastor. We have had the opportunity to meet and have many friends. God has been both my husband and my healer. I enjoy making new friends and would love to hear to hear from you! To God be the glory!!!!

Friday, December 2, 2016

Guest Blog: Memories of Christmas

My memories of Christmas as a child are very special to me. When mom asked me to do a guest blog for Christmas, I decided to share some of what made my Christmas so special as a kid. These are in no particular order, just as they come to me:

  • Christmas Tree Hunting: We used to go up with my grandparents, way up in the mountains to get the "perfect" tree. Grandma would bring honey and peanut butter sandwiches with hot cocoa to wash them down. We would have snowball fights, make snow angels and just enjoy our family. This has become even more special to me as an adult; I can no longer have real trees in our home because I am severely allergic to them. 
  • Waking Up Early: People talk about how their children wake them up in the wee early hours of the morning on Christmas because they are so excited. I am one of those parents! However, my dad was actually the one that could hardly wait to see our faces on Christmas Morning. I think one of the earliest times he may have woke us up was 3am! Even now, our family tends to get up around 5am and dad is usually calling about then to see if the grandkids are up!
  • Stockings: Looking back, I realize as an adult that my parents had SO little money. I never knew that as a child because my parents somehow made Christmas so magical without a lot of money. One of those things was our stockings. We never saw what was in them till Christmas morning, so the suspense was real! Some years there was a theme, like when we were into shooting bows. The stockings were full of arrows and different supplies we would need for practicing. Every year there were different things that our parents knew we were interested in. To this day, this is my favorite part of Christmas. I LOVE filling my family's stockings and I love getting a stocking full of treasures from my family.
  • Mannhiem Steamroller: You would have to ask my parents where they first heard of this group, but when I think of Christmas, I think of Mannhiem Steamroller. Here is a link to one of my favorite songs by them: Carol Of The Bells
  • Santa Claus: Now, I don't ever remember "believing" in Santa Claus, but he or rather the story of Santa was a fond part of my memories. My parents made sure that we understood the real meaning of Christmas and I am so grateful for that. But there were fun memories where Santa was involved. Like the family party where Santa Claus showed up to hand out presents. I remember being so amazed that this jolly fellow that I had only read about was visiting us. He seemed strangely familiar. Years later, I found out that it was a dear family member! We would leave out cookies and milk for Santa the night before and while we didn't believe in Santa, we were amazed that the cookies and milk would be gone in the morning! There was always a family present from Santa on Christmas Eve that was always something we could do as a family. Usually a new game or movie. 
The list honestly could go on and on....I was blessed with an amazing childhood. It had it's hiccups as most families do, but with God as the center of our home, we learned that nothing was too big for God.
I pray as you enjoy this Christmas season that you would take time to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. Take time to read the Christmas story in the Gospels and just let it sink in....