About Me

Glad you stopped by. I love blogging and I find it relaxing.
I love my Jesus. I gave him my heart and life. To think He loved me while I was yet a sinner. He gives me power to live a sinless life. I am married to my high school sweetheart. I have 2 grown children and 13 grandchildren. I have a job that I love working with other
Christians. My husband is a pastor. We have had the opportunity to meet and have many friends. God has been both my husband and my healer. I enjoy making new friends and would love to hear to hear from you! To God be the glory!!!!

Friday, November 25, 2016

The sights sounds and smells of Thanksgiving

I have so much I could say today. Its the day after thanksgiving and we are preparing thanksgiving yet again with friends of ours. I personally have enjoyed 5 Thanksgiving this year. Am I complaining? No way! It involves  my favorite beings- children. Last weekend, My kids and grandkids came over for thanksgiving celebration. A tradition I started 13 years ago, I wanted both my kids family with us at the same time. I didn't want them to need to choose which  family they spent the holiday with each year. The solution? Have it early. They liked the idea and so did I!

The following week,our daycare had a thanksgiving program and meal. I really enjoyed that

We had a thanksgiving meal/potluck last Sunday. A big turn out with church family, Sunday school families and neighborhood families. We enjoyed using it for a reach out to others effort.

Yesterday, we had a fun day at my mother in laws. Kids, grandkids, cousins aunts and uncles. Cutting wood and going for walks before the meal and dessert and game playing afterwards. Visiting with friends in the evening and playing games after watching charlie brown and bedding kids down. staying up way too late- you know who you are.

Today my house is filled with what I love the most. Grandkids and friend"s kids running thru the house playing games.  Hearing their voice shout nana and papa, all the excitment bottle up in those words. Enjoying the fact that I have many grandchildren and many that call us nana and papa too.

The smells of yet another turkey cooking, mashed potatoes cooking. Watching my granddaughter Jordyn make 2 apple pies and Mckenzie running errands for me in the van, Shelby and Sierra helping play with the younger kids. Listening to the voices of Peter,Heidi and Shane and Glenda  discuss, well who knows what.

Family is so important,I can't say enough about that. Reaching out to others and including into your family only adds to the blessings.

Another thought...  There are lonely people. They may put up a mask but maybe they have no one.... it will be a lonely, depressing time. Offer, that person maybe hiding behind the grumpy mask a invitation to be a part of your meal and family.
Or maybe its the tough punk or string out individual  that is dealing with thier problem the only way they know.

1 comment:

Sierra S said...

That song is so good.