About Me

Glad you stopped by. I love blogging and I find it relaxing.
I love my Jesus. I gave him my heart and life. To think He loved me while I was yet a sinner. He gives me power to live a sinless life. I am married to my high school sweetheart. I have 2 grown children and 13 grandchildren. I have a job that I love working with other
Christians. My husband is a pastor. We have had the opportunity to meet and have many friends. God has been both my husband and my healer. I enjoy making new friends and would love to hear to hear from you! To God be the glory!!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Thankful for the Great Physician

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. Psalms 121:1
When we moved to our new home, we found ,we have a beautiful deck. As we sit there enjoying God’s creation, I look out across the range of hills. I feel especially close to God. I remember how many times God has answered my prayers. One time comes to my mind, when my husband was very ill. I got up that Sunday morning, knowing my husband had not sleep all night. I stood at the Kitchen window and lifted my eyes up to the hills, knowing He needed a healing. I remember, beseeching the Lord to remember us and pleading our cause to him. God is good. That night My husband was anointed and prayed for and God healed him
Psalms 121:2 says my help comes from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. As I remember that difficult time. The days missed from work and feeling desperate for help. I remember the story of the women who spent much money on doctors and still was sick. She knew if she could just touch the hem of Jesus garment she would be healed. The doctors kept running tests on my husband and they still did not know what the problem was. That morning as I cried out to God, I knew that He was our healer. We had proved him many times in our marriage. Genesis 18:14 asks “Is there anything too hard?’ The following morning after my husbands healing, the doctor called. He apologized to me because he still didn’t know what was wrong. I was able to tell him, there is nothing no longer to worry about.


Miranda Thompson said...

Thank you for this post. It's exaxtly what I've been going through for the past year! Please pray for me;)

abiding in joy said...

Praying for you

Sierra S said...
